KB68 - Five Regrets of the Dying

The Knowledge Bomb Newsletter

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Five Regrets of The Dying

dead fuck my life GIF

Today, we’re looking at a topic that affects us all, though it can make us a bit uncomfortable:


But let's not dwell on the gloom…

Instead, let’s see what we can learn from those already on this journey.

Bronnie Ware, an author and caregiver, spent years caring for people in their last days.

She wrote about the regrets she heard most often, helping us learn how we might live better lives ourselves.

#1 - I wish I’d lived a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. 
Many of us try to meet other people’s expectations—whether from parents, friends, or society. Over time, this can make us feel like we’re not living our own life.

What can you do? Start by making small choices that are true to who you are.

Think about this: When was the last time you did something just because it was what you wanted, not because it was expected?

#2 - I wished I hadn’t worked so hard. 
It’s easy to get caught up in work and forget everything else.

But finding a balance is key.

What can you do? Make sure to set clear boundaries between your work time and your personal time.

Ask yourself: What is one activity you love that you can make more time for this week?

#3 - I wish I had the courage to express my feelings. 
Not sharing how we feel can lead to bitterness and lost relationships.

What can you do? Try to be open and honest with people you trust.

This might help you connect with others on a deeper level.

Consider this: Is there someone you need to talk to about how you really feel?

#4 - I wish I’d stayed in touch with my friends. 
Life gets busy, and we can lose touch with friends. Yet, these friendships are vital for our happiness.

What can you do? Reach out to an old friend this week. Make plans to catch up regularly, whether for a quick phone chat or a coffee meet-up.

Reflect on: Who have you been meaning to reconnect with?

#5 - I wish I’d allowed myself to be happier. 
Many people realise too late that happiness is a choice.

Sticking to old habits can keep us from finding joy.

What can you do? Try to welcome change and let go of things that don’t bring you happiness.

Ask yourself: What’s one change you can make to be happier?

As we think about these regrets, it’s clear that living fully means being true to yourself, valuing relationships, and choosing happiness every day.

Let these lessons not bring you down but inspire you to enjoy every moment

Doing so will ensure you look back with a smile on your face, instead of regret.

Don’t Fear The Reaper

This episode explores getting old!

  • Why ageing is a privilege that not everyone gets to experience..

  • Why society often has negative stereotypes and biases towards older individuals.

  • Why you're never too old to try new things.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s Knowledge Bomb Newsletter.

See you next week for another instalment.

Jay Alderton

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