KB64 - How To Embrace Discomfort

The Knowledge Bomb Newsletter

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How To Embrace Discomfort

Lost In Space Reaction GIF by CBS

You're cruising through life, right?

Everything's comfy and easy-peasy.

You've got it all figured out. But then, BAM!

Life throws you a curveball, and suddenly, you're not feeling so comfortable anymore.

You know what I'm talking about…

That gnawing feeling when stepping into the unknown, trying something new, or pushing your limits.

Most people would run the other way.

But not you.

You're here because you sense there's something more beyond that discomfort.

And guess what?

You're absolutely right.

Let me drop some knowledge on you, courtesy of Nir Eyal.

He's got this killer approach to dealing with discomfort…

When you start to feel uncomfortable pushing yourself to improve, remind yourself…

"This is what it feels like to get better at something."

It's not just a cool phrase; it's a whole new way to look at discomfort.

Not as your enemy but as your coach, cheering you on to greatness.

Why Embrace Discomfort?

  • Busting Out of The Comfort Zone: That cosy little bubble you've lived in? It's nice, but it's also where dreams go to nap. If you want to grow, you've got to step out into the great unknown.

  • Building Mental Muscle: Every time you tackle something tough, you're not just getting through it; you're getting stronger. That's resilience, and it's gold.

  • Sparking Creativity: Comfort kills creativity. Discomfort? Now, that's where the creative juices start flowing.

  • Mastering Your Craft: Think about anything you're good at. Getting there wasn't all rainbows and butterflies, right? Mastery comes through pushing through the tough stuff.

How to Embrace Discomfort

  • Start Small: Don't dive into the deep end without knowing how to swim. Start with the kiddie pool and work your way up.

  • Find Your Tribe: Going solo can be tough. Get yourself a cheer squad. Sharing your journey makes the load lighter.

  • Be Here Now: Don't try to outrun discomfort when it hits. Sit with it, understand it. It's telling you something important.

  • Throw a Party for Yourself: Every step out of your comfort zone is a victory. Celebrate it. You're doing great.

So the next time you're feeling that familiar tug of discomfort, remember:

“This is what it feels like to get better at something.”

How To Build A Business Part Two

Starting a new business is tough, but in this second episode, we show you exactly how to get started!

Starting a new business in 2024 is not easy!

In this second episode, Dan and I will walk you through how to get started!

In this episode, we discuss…

  • The importance of building an Audience and Email List

  • How to create a good product or service

  • How to overcome perfectionism

  • How to create “infotainment”

I hope you enjoyed this week’s Knowledge Bomb Newsletter.

See you next week for another Installment.

Jay Alderton

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