KB62- This Person is Stopping You From Winning

The Knowledge Bomb Newsletter

The Summer Shred

Next week, I will be selecting two lucky people to win a FREE PLACE on my up-and-coming Six-Week Summer Shred Challenge.

Not only will hundreds of people be getting in the shape of their lives in the build-up to summer, but the person who does best on the challenge will win the ultimate prize..

An all-expenses paid trip to Ibiza and VIP Tickets to the International Fitness Summit in September!

This Person Is Stopping You From Winning

mortal kombat scorpion GIF

This week, I had the amazing chance to chat with Phil Heath, a professional bodybuilder who's won the Mr. Olympia title seven times, tying with the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Our conversation covered many topics, but what really stuck with me was something rather unexpected…

The video game Mortal Kombat.

In Mortal Kombat's single-player mode, you climb the ranks by defeating various opponents. But before the final challenge, you have one last opponent to beat…


This "Mirror Match" brilliantly mirrors the mental battles we face in real life.

The biggest obstacle in achieving our goals?

It's us.

Your Biggest Enemy Is You

When it comes to personal growth, the toughest barrier isn't out there; it's within.

We sabotage our own success every time we hit snooze instead of waking up early, choose laziness over a trip to the gym, or procrastinate.

But if we beat these self-imposed limits, we unlock our full potential.

Facing Yourself

The first step is confronting who you are today.

Admit your mistakes and weaknesses!

Understanding your shortcomings doesn't mean you're weak; it means you're ready to change and fight back.

Challenge your laziness, irresponsibility, and lack of discipline head-on.

Doubt Has No Place Here

Doubts and negative thoughts might tell you, "You can't do it."

They seem protective but actually keep you from stepping out of your comfort zone.

Remember what Vincent van Gogh said…

"If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."

Work Harder Than Yesterday

Your darker self is stubborn, always lurking and ready to trip you up.

To win, you must outdo yourself daily, forming good habits to drown out the bad ones.

Speed Is Your Ally

Treat each day as a new chance to beat your inner critic.

Start your day right, and don't let negativity rule even for a minute.

Plan your days, set your tasks, and tackle them head-on!

Be Smarter

Arm yourself with the right tools.

Fitness trackers or meditation apps can be your allies in understanding and improving your habits.

But remember, the battle is also about the people you surround yourself with.

Seek support from friends and those on a similar journey. Together, we're stronger.

My chat with Phil Heath revealed an unexpected truth:

like in Mortal Kombat, our most challenging opponent in life is often ourselves.

By facing, understanding, and strategically overcoming our internal struggles, we pave the way for personal growth and success!

I hope you enjoyed this week’s Knowledge Bomb Newsletter.

See you next week for another Installment.

Jay Alderton

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